Posted by: lgindoff | July 31, 2010

2010-07-30 Morristown Critical Mass Ride Photos

It was a relatively small critical mass bike ride this July 30, 2010 with 30 or so riders slowing down traffic in Morristown, or should I say, the cars slowing the ride down?  In either case, we seem to be each other’s own worst enemies and the drivers this Friday seemed a bit more irritated than usual.  It is probably because our critical mass wasn’t critical enough to exhibit the gravitas it needs to be effective and safe.  It is therefore critical that everyone come out to the next critical mass bike ride.

You can view 17 photos I took of this ride on my Picasa Web albums at the link below:

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The next critical mass ride is August 27, 2010, 6:30 p.m. starting in the Morristown municipal building on South Street.  It starts here on the last Friday of every month at 6:30 so mark your calendars.  A special treat for the August ride apparently includes an optional turn on Speedwell Ave. northbound taking it to Rt 53 into Denville where the Anthem Sandwich shop will be staying open ate and making dinner especially for the critical mass.  They will be taking pre-orders on dinner so you meal will be waiting for you.

Rags is a good sport on the back of my bicycle.


  1. Pics are great! You gotta love Rags:)

  2. I just posted some video from the ride where you can see the intrepid Rags through my rear view mirror.

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